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Checking for planes near Woodson, Tx

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Fort Worth Meacham Intl (KFTW)

  @ FORT WORTH, TX - ~99 miles away. - Map It - AirNav.Com
Air First
(Visit the Air First website or Google Map)
or call (817)740-8644
  • Cessna C152 (Single Engine)
  • Cessna C172 (Single Engine)
  • Cessna C172RG (Single Engine)

Fort Worth Spinks (KFWS)
  @ FORT WORTH, TX - ~111 miles away. - Map It - AirNav.Com
Crosswind Flight Training
(Visit the Crosswind Flight Training website or Google Map)
or call (786)606-5547
  • Cessna C172 (Single Engine)

Northwest Rgnl (52F)
  @ ROANOKE, TX - ~111 miles away. - Map It - AirNav.Com
(Visit the Marcair website or Google Map)
or call (817)430-0005
  • Cessna C150 (Single Engine)
  • Cessna C182RG (Single Engine)
  • American Champion Citabria (Single Engine, Aerobatic)

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