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Checking for planes near Hannawa Falls, Ny

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Burlington Intl (KBTV)

  @ BURLINGTON, VT - ~90 miles away. - Map It - AirNav.Com
North Ramp Aviaiton
(Visit the North Ramp Aviaiton website or Google Map)
or call (802)865-4366
  • Piper Arrow (Single Engine)
  • Cessna C152 (Single Engine)
  • Cessna C172 (Single Engine)

Middlebury State (6B0)
  @ MIDDLEBURY, VT - ~108 miles away. - Map It - AirNav.Com
J&M Aviation
(Visit the J&M Aviation website or Google Map)
or call (802)388-2022
  • Cessna C150 (Single Engine)
  • Cessna C172 (Single Engine)

Warren - Sugarbush (0B7)
  @ WARREN, VT - ~117 miles away. - Map It - AirNav.Com
Sugarbush Soaring
(Visit the Sugarbush Soaring website or Google Map)
or call (802)496-2290
  • Grob 102 (No, Glider)
  • Schweizer 1-26 (No, Glider)

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